Here’s the latest image from my Commodore 64 RPG. I’ve added some additional tiles (from Ultima IV) as placeholders and to give me something to work with whilst coding game functionality.
The Ultima IV tiles and C64 character set are temporary.

I now need to add some additional maps to the game with working entrances and exits, initially just a town and a dungeon. I need to give some serious thought to map sizes and how I want to manage the wilderness map. Games such as Ultima IV and V would load sections of their wilderness map into memory as required but I’m not sure my map needs to be as large. I’d also like to add some basic combat with those red monsters on the wilderness map and some basic interaction with some example town NPCs.
I’m urgently feeling the need for some map editing tools. Whilst I could create some windows tools for these I’m considering making the tools run on the C64 as there will be a number of similar coding routines. There’s no shortage of things to keep me busy with this project and so far I’ve not run into any serious problems – memory and floppy disk space do concern me though…